15 Amazing Benefits Of Omega 9 Fatty Acid

Reduces insulin resistance

Omega 9 is effective in reducing insulin resistance. A study was conducted with rats that were fed a high-fat diet and given omega 9 fatty acid supplements. The rats that received the supplements had significantly lower levels of insulin resistance than the rats that did not receive the supplements. (3)

The study showed that omega 9 fatty acid is effective in reducing insulin resistance by increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin. This is important because it means that omega 9 fatty acid can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Boost immunity

Studies have shown that omega 9 fatty acids can help improve the function of the immune system. They do this by increasing the production of white blood cells and antibodies. They can also help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

In addition to boosting immunity, omega 9 fatty acids have also been shown to improve heart health, cognitive function and joint health. If you’re in search of a way to improve your overall health, consider adding foods rich in these fatty acids to your diet.