15 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin D

15 Surprising Vitamin D Benefits

15 Surprising Vitamin D Benefits
15 Surprising Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D provides many health benefits. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become weak and fragile.

In addition to its benefits for bones and teeth, vitamin D also helps to boost the immune system and protect against conditions such as cancer and heart disease. It can be found in food sources such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified milk. It can also be made in the body when skin is exposed to sunlight.

Prevents rickets

Vitamin D is essential for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the diet, which are necessary for maintaining healthy bones. A lack of vitamin D can lead to a condition called Rickets in children, which is characterized by softening and weakening of the bones.

Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation can help prevent Rickets in young children. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the most effective form of vitamin D for preventing Rickets.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of this vitamin for infants and children up to 12 years old is 400 IU (10 mcg). Some good sources of it include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel; fortified milk and orange juice; eggs; and cod liver oil.