15 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin H (Biotin)

Boost thyroid health

While biotin is often associated with hair and skin health, this water-soluble vitamin also plays an important role in thyroid function. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature. (3)

Biotin is essential for the proper function of enzymes involved in the synthesis of these hormones. A biotin deficiency can therefore lead to an imbalance in thyroid hormone levels. There are a few ways to ensure you’re getting enough biotin to boost your thyroid health. You can take a supplement, eat biotin-rich foods such as eggs, nuts, and legumes, or use a product that contains biotin.

Good for hair

Biotin is a nutrient that’s often associated with hair health. People take biotin supplements for different reasons. Some people take them to improve their hair and nails. Others take them to prevent biotin deficiency, which can lead to hair loss. (4)

There’s some evidence that biotin supplements can improve hair quality. In one study, women with thinning hair who took a biotin supplement for six months experienced significant hair growth. Another small study found that biotin might help strengthen hair follicles.