15 Boron Benefits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Health

Prevent deficiency of Vitamin D

Boron may help prevent calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is essential for good health, but many people are deficient in it. Boron is known to help the body absorb and use calcium. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including bone loss and cancer.

A new study looked at the effect of boron on calcium absorption in postmenopausal women. It found that women who took a supplement containing boron had better calcium absorption than women who did not take the supplement. This is an important finding, as calcium absorption decreases with age and this can lead to osteoporosis.

Boost wound healing

Boron plays a role in many biological processes. While its role in wound healing is not fully understood, studies have shown that it can speed up the healing process. In one study, rats that were given this mineral healed their wounds faster than those that did not receive Boron. (3)

Boron also appears to promote the growth of new blood vessels, which is essential for wound healing. Additionally, it may help to reduce inflammation and improve the function of immune cells.