15 Important Vitamins For Pregnancy

Health benefits Of 15 Important Vitamins for Pregnancy

Folic acid (B9)
Folic acid (B9)

Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body undergoes many changes. These changes can put a strain on the body and can lead to deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. That’s why it’s important for pregnant women to make sure they are getting enough of the right vitamins through diet and supplementation.

There are a few key vitamins that are particularly important for pregnant women. Getting enough of these key nutrients is essential for a healthy pregnancy. These include;

Folic acid (B9)

Folic acid is mainly found in leafy green vegetables and fruits. Its importance for pregnant women is evident from the fact that it helps to prevent certain birth defects of the brain and spine. (2)

Folic acid plays a role in the development of the neural tube and helps to prevent some birth defects. All women before starting a pregnancy should take 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folate or folic acid daily, beginning at least one month before conception. Good sources of folic acid include fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas as well as supplements. Prenatal vitamins usually contain this nutrient as well.