15 Impressive Benefits of Sodium

Regulate blood pressure

Sodium is an essential element in the regulation of blood pressure. The body needs it to maintain a balance of fluids in the blood. Excess of sodium can cause high blood pressure, while too little sodium can cause low blood pressure. The best way to regulate blood pressure is to eat a balanced diet that includes both sodium and potassium. (3)

Too much sodium can lead to hypertension, which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. If you are considering reducing your sodium intake and controlling high blood pressure, there are a few things you can do. Choose foods and dishes that are naturally low in sodium chloride, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. When cooking at home, use herbs and spices to flavor food instead of salt.

Helps with brain development

Sodium plays a role in brain development. The human brain is mostly water. Sodium helps to maintain the correct balance of water in the brain. This is important for proper brain function.

Sodium also helps to transmit signals between nerves in the brain. This helps with learning and memory. Getting enough of it is important for proper brain development. A lack of sodium can lead to problems with cognition, learning, and memory.