15 Impressive Benefits of Vitamin B3 (Niacin) That You May Not Know

 Good for hair health

According to new research, vitamin B3 may be good for not just your skin, but also for boosting your hair health. The study found that it can help to improve the quality of hair and make it stronger. In addition, the vitamin can also help to prevent hair loss.

Vitamin B3 is present in many foods and also available as a supplement. If you’re thinking of taking a supplement for your hair health, speak with your dermatologist first to see if it’s right for you.

 Enhance RBCs production

Niacin is involved in many biochemical processes in the body, including the production of red blood cells (RBCs). A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a condition called pellagra, which is characterized by anemia, dermatitis, and diarrhea. Pellagra is a rare disease in developed countries, but it is still seen in some developing nations. Vitamin B3 supplementation can prevent and treat pellagra-induced anemia by enhancing the production of RBCs.