15 Impressive Health Benefits of Manganese


Manganese plays an important role in many bodily functions, including reproduction. This essential mineral is involved in the development of the reproductive organs, and it helps to produce sex hormones. It also helps to protect against damage to the reproductive organs from free radicals.

Manganese is also involved in fertility, pregnancy, and lactation. Its deficiency can cause problems with sexual development, fertility, and pregnancy. Supplementing with manganese can help to prevent these problems.

Wound healing

Manganese is involved in many biochemical processes, including the production of energy and wound healing. It is involved in the production of collagen, a protein that forms the foundation of connective tissue. This makes manganese essential for wound healing. The body needs manganese to create new blood vessels, which are essential for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to wounds. Additionally, manganese helps to reduce inflammation and promote cell growth. (3)

While our bodies need only small amounts of manganese, this mineral is important for proper wound healing. A deficiency can delay healing and increase the risk of infection. If you are deficient in manganese, your doctor may recommend supplements.