15 Incredible Apple Juice Benefits That Will Amaze You

 Regulates pH balance

Apple juice can help regulate pH balance in the body. The human body is designed to maintain a slightly alkaline pH level. However, many things can contribute to making the body more acidic, including stress, poor diet, and certain medical conditions. When the body becomes too acidic, it can lead to problems like inflammation, fatigue, and joint pain.

Drinking apple juice is one way to help increase the alkalinity of the body and restore pH balance. Apple juice is rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are both alkalizing agents. Additionally, it contains malic acid, which helps promote healthy digestion and detoxification.

Treat toenail fungus

In search of a natural way to treat your toenail fungus? You may want to try apple juice. That’s right, the same juice that you drink with breakfast could be the key to getting rid of your toenail fungus for good.

Apple juice has potent antifungal properties that make it an effective treatment for toenail fungus. To use apple juice as a treatment, simply soak your feet in a basin of diluted apple juice for 30 minutes each day.

You should start to see results within a few weeks, and with continued treatment, the fungus will eventually be gone for good.