15 Incredible Benefits Of Fenugreek Tea Plus How To Make It

Promotes Milk Flow In Lactating Mothers

Promotes Milk Flow In Lactating Mothers

Fenugreek tea has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help nursing mothers increase their milk supply. This tea is a galactagogue, a substance that helps promote milk production. Research has shown that drinking it can increase milk production in lactating mothers by up to 500%.

Fenugreek tea is thought to work by stimulating the pituitary gland, which controls milk production. Fenugreek seeds contain compounds that mimic the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. When these compounds are released into the bloodstream, they signal the pituitary gland to release more prolactin. This increased level of prolactin then stimulates the mammary glands to produce more milk.

Helps with weight loss

In search of a natural way to help with weight loss? Fenugreek tea may be the answer! It is made from the seeds of the fenugreek plant and is rich in fiber. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to add more fiber to their diet. Fiber helps to keep you feeling full longer and can also help to reduce cravings.

In addition to helping with weight loss, fenugreek tea has also been shown to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is also a good source of antioxidants and can help improve digestion.