15 Incredible Health Benefits of Folate

What Are Folic Acid’s Benefits? Here’s 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Folate

What Are Folic Acid's Benefits? Here's 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Folate
What Are Folic Acid’s Benefits? Here’s 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Folate

Health benefits

Folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin and is found in supplements and fortified foods. Folate is important for the development of the neural tube. It helps to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. It also helps to make red blood cells and it aids in the metabolism of homocysteine. Deficiencies in folate can lead to anemia, birth defects, and problems with mental function. Getting enough folate from foods or supplements can help to prevent these problems.

Good for pregnant women

Folate is important for pregnant women because it supports healthy pregnancy and is good for fetal health. The recommended amount of folate for pregnant women is 400 micrograms (mcg) per day. This can be accomplished by eating a healthy diet that includes folate-rich foods or by taking a daily supplement that contains 400 mcg of folic acid. Good sources of folate include leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and flour. Pregnant women should also eat foods that are high in folate, such as orange juice, strawberries, and broccoli.

Important for neural tube development

Folate is important for neural tube development. The neural tube is the structure that forms the baby’s brain and spinal cord. It also helps to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. These defects are called neural tube defects. They happen when the neural tube does not close properly. Folic acid can also help to prevent other birth defects, such as heart defects. (2)

All women of childbearing age should take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. This can be done by taking a supplement or by eating foods that are fortified with folic acid.