15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Milk That You Never Knew Even When You Drink It Every Day

Health Benefits Of Milk

Health Benefits Of Milk

Great source of calcium

Milk is an excellent source of calcium, providing 30% of the daily recommended intake in just one cup. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, and it can also help prevent osteoporosis. Milk is also a good source of protein and other nutrients, making it a great choice for breakfast or a snack.

Reduces the risk of obesity

A new study and clinical trial has found that milk may help reduce the risk of obesity. According to this study, people who drank milk had a lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage than those who did not drink milk. (2)

The study’s lead author said that the findings suggest that milk may help people lose weight or prevent weight gain. “These data provide the first evidence that dairy consumption, specifically milk intake, is associated with lower rates of obesity,” he said.

The study included more than 18,000 adults from across the United States. The participants were asked about their dietary habits, including how much milk they drank each day. The scientists then followed the study participants for an average of four years to see how their weight changed.