15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Milk That You Never Knew Even When You Drink It Every Day

Helps make your teeth healthy

Tooth decay is a major problem in the United States, and it is estimated that it costs Americans billions of dollars each year. The good news is that milk can help reduce the risk of tooth decay. A study found that milk contains fluoride, which is a mineral that helps to protect teeth from decay. Fluoride is found in many different products, but milk is one of the best sources of fluoride.

Milk also contains calcium, which is another mineral that helps to keep teeth healthy. Calcium helps to strengthen teeth and make them less likely to break or become damaged.

Helps prevent heartburn

Heartburn is common in many people. It is caused by stomach acid rising up into the esophagus, and can be painful and uncomfortable.

Milk can help to reduce the amount of stomach acid produced. This is because it contains a protein called casein, which helps to coat the stomach and prevent acid from rising up into the esophagus. So, if you suffer from heartburn, try drinking a glass of milk before bedtime. You may find that it helps to prevent or relieve your symptoms. (3)