15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Milk That You Never Knew Even When You Drink It Every Day

Helps Fight Depression

Helps Fight Depression

A glass (8 ounces) of milk a day may keep the blues away. Milk is a good source of nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are all important for brain health. Study findings suggest that milk may help protect against depression by improving brain function. (4)

If you’re struggling with a mental disorder such as depression, talk to your doctor about adding milk to your diet. It may not be a cure-all, but it could help improve your mood and overall mental health.

Helps fight diseases

According to a new study, milk may help fight disease. The study looked at the effects of milk on the immune system. The researchers found that milk contains a number of immune-boosting compounds, including antibodies and white blood cells. These compounds help to fight infection and disease.

The study also found that milk helps to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a key factor in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. The findings suggest that milk may be a helpful addition to the diet of people who are at risk of developing chronic diseases.