15 Most Common Symptoms of Gout You Should Never Ignore

Chronic Tophaceous Gout

The constant build of uric acid in your blood over time can lead to the extensive formation of tophi (a deposit of crystalline uric acid) in and around a joint space and under the skin. The collection of these hard, lumpy crystals can erode cartilage and bone and can cause the development of chronic arthritis symptoms.

Whereas acute attacks describe gout, chronic arthritis is characterized by persistent inflammation and pain accompanied by a general feeling of unwellness, fatigue, and anemia. With time, the joint can become stiff and will start interfering with mobility and movement.

Most tophi develop in the big toe, at the tip of the elbow or around the fingers. However, they can appear practically anywhere in the body. In unusual cases, tophi can penetrate the skin and cause chalk-like nodules. They have also been known to emerge along the spine, in the ears, and even on the vocal cords. Most tophi considered harmless unless they grow bigger or start affecting joint mobility.