15 Most Common Symptoms of Gout You Should Never Ignore

Not To Ignore Symptoms Of Gout

Some symptoms of gout, like pain and swelling in the big toe, are obvious. But other symptoms can be more subtle. Pay close attention to the following signs and consult your physician as soon as possible.

Pain in your big toe

This sign is considered as the classic hallmark of a gouty attack. Uric acid is a byproduct of normal metabolism and also comes from food. When your body can no longer able to break down uric acid – because of diabetes, kidney disease, old aging or a medication you are taking for hypertension — uric acid will accumulate and form urate crystals. Those crystals often migrate in the body and usually get stuck in the toe due to narrow blood vessels. Here they get attacked by foreign invaders and lead to classic symptoms such as excruciating pain, warmth, and swelling.