15 Various Health Benefits Of Minerals

Required for RBCs production

The human body needs several minerals in order to produce red blood cells. These minerals include iron, copper, and magnesium. Without these minerals, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin, which is essential for red blood cells. (2)

Iron is found in many foods, including meat, poultry, seafood, beans, and leafy green vegetables. The body needs iron to make hemoglobin. Copper is found in shellfish, nuts, and seeds. The body needs copper to help the iron create hemoglobin. Magnesium is found in dark leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. The body needs magnesium to help create energy for red blood cell production.

Good for hair health

There are a few key minerals that are essential for maintaining healthy hair. Selenium, zinc, and copper are three of the most important minerals for hair health.

  • Selenium is important for preventing scalp infections and dandruff, as well as stimulating hair growth. (3)
  • Zinc helps to keep hair follicles healthy, and also aids in cell regeneration and wound healing.
  • Copper is necessary for the production of collagen and elastin, both of which are important for keeping hair strong and resilient.

Making sure you get enough of these key minerals in your diet is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Foods like Brazil nuts, oysters, beef liver, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate are all great sources of these nutrients. So next time you’re looking to give your hair a boost, reach for some mineral-rich foods!