20 Invisible Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms That Require Immediate Attention


Magnesium deficiency is strongly linked to the onset of sudden and severe bronchospastic attacks in asthmatic people. Studies have confirmed that magnesium levels tend to be lower in patients with asthma than in healthy people.

Why does it happen? Because low levels of magnesium cause the accumulation of calcium in the respiratory muscles bordering the airways of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. This causes the constriction of the airways and surrounding blood vessels, making breathing more difficult.

It is seen that taking oral magnesium supplements have less effect in controlling or preventing the recurrent attacks of asthma. On the other hand, an inhaler with magnesium or an intravenous infusion of magnesium sulfate can subside and reverse bronchospastic attacks. Inhalation of MgSO4 causes relaxation and dilatation the airways.