20 Warning Signs & Early Symptoms of Autism You Should Never Ignore

Behavioral Disturbances

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show abnormal behaviors which can be challenging for their parents and teachers. Around 30% of children with autism spectrum disorder are also diagnosed with disturbed behavior. Troublesome behaviors such as aggression and noncompliance are common in children with autism. Prompt diagnosis and psychiatric help is important for these children.

MRI scans were conducted in autistic children and the structural and functional activity in brain of these autistic children was compared with healthy children. Researchers found decreased functional connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and amygdala in the brains of children who exhibit troublesome behavior as compared to the brains of healthy children.  If your child shows any kind of behavioral disturbance such as unusual aggression and non-compliance, visit the doctor immediately so that proper management plan can be devised.