30 Most Common Symptoms & Effective Treatment Of Crohn’s Disease You Should Never Ignore

Foods to eat during a flare-up

Eating a low-residue diet is equal to helping the bowel rest and recover from the inflammation. It is because the intestinal tract does not have to digest and absorb as hard as it does for high-fiber foods. The following are some foods and beverages you can safely eat during a flare-up of Crohn’s.


Beverages that an affected person can enjoy while on a Crohn’s flare-up include:

  • Water
  • Low-sugar rehydration drinks
  • Decaffeinated drinks (tea or coffee)

Caffeine can cause stimulation of the bowels and may worsen diarrhea. If a person consumes caffeine in a day, they should try switching some of their commonly used caffeinated products to de-caffeinated ones. Decaffeination of the diet may help them to lower their caffeine consumption that can reduce the risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms and future flare-ups.