8 Ways To Avoid Foot Pain

How To Prevent Neuropathic Causes of Foot Pain

How To Prevent Neuropathic Causes of Foot Pain
How To Prevent Neuropathic Causes of Foot Pain

Peripheral neuropathy or neuropathic foot pain often happens in people with chronic diseases such as diabetes. However, it can also occur as a result of sciatica pain. The symptoms may be felt in your lower back, buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, or even your feet. You may have numbness or tingling in your legs, and you may experience loss of feeling and strength in your feet.

To prevent neuropathic causes of foot pain, we recommend the following:

  • Taking care of your feet: To prevent peripheral neuropathy, make sure to wear shoes that fit well and provide proper support. Your shoes should not cause blisters or chafing. If you are wearing socks, ensure they are soft enough and absorb moisture. When you take off your shoes, dry them thoroughly before putting them away.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise reduces stress and improves circulation, which can help prevent peripheral neuropathy. Walking, running, weight lifting, yoga, and swimming are all good forms of exercise.
  • Don’t smoke: Smoking increases the risk of developing peripheral neuropathy. If you already smoke, ask your doctor if it’s safe for you to quit. You will also receive advice on what to do to facilitate the withdrawal process.
  • Eliminate environmental toxins: Environmental toxins such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals can also cause nerve damage.
  • Avoid sitting for very long periods: Peripheral neuropathy can result from prolonged sitting. So, try to stand or move frequently and take regular breaks from sitting. This may also be helpful if you have diabetic neuropathy.
  • Keep your glucose levels under control: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be caused by high glucose levels in the blood. So, if you have diabetes, ensure your blood sugar is controlled correctly.