Why Does My Hand Hurt? 8 Causes of Hand Pain

Top Causes of Hand Pain

Hand pain is a common occurrence these days. It seems like everyone is dealing with some sort of hand pain, whether it’s from carpal tunnel, arthritis, or just plain old age. In some cases, it can be very severe and continuous. In others, it is mild and transient. Sometimes hand pain is associated with other symptoms such as tingling and numbness.

Regardless of the type and severity of hand pain, it is bothering at many levels. It influences the patient’s quality of life and quickly becomes a disability.

Top Causes of Hand Pain
Top Causes of Hand Pain

Understanding the causes of hand pain is the first step of the diagnosis. Your doctor should start by understanding the trigger to recommend a treatment. But what are the actual causes of hand pain? Let’s take a look.

In this article, we will go through some of the most important causes of hand pain. There are many others, but the ones listed in this article are the most likely to happen to most people. They are carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, osteoarthritis, trauma, and trigger finger.