A Comprehensive Guide To Atopic Dermatitis

Childhood Phase  

It is the 2nd stage of atopic dermatitis. The rash usually occurs on the area behind the knees and inside elbow. A rash can also be seen in the neck, mouth, wrist, ankles, and hands. Impetuous can also began with papules that become hard and also scaly when scratched. The rash that is formed becomes itchy. Frequent itching causes the rash to become red and inflamed. Continues licking if these areas result in painful cracks, the area starts to smell, and continuous pain can be felt. In some children, the disease goes away for a long time but then comes back once the children reach puberty due to hormonal changes and tress. When irritating skin care creams and cosmetics are used, they make the disease worse. Although atopic dermatitis is mostly shown in children, and they experience it in the early stages, adults can also experience atopic dermatitis.