All Thing You Want To Know About Low Back Pain

Delayed pain after injury

Muscle pains and aches
Muscle pains and aches

When the natural healing process reports having a side effect or improper healing then there is occurrence of back pain after a long time of the injury incidence. Sometimes, the symptoms of back pain start getting worse or appearing days after an injury or an accident indicating the improper healing from the trauma. In some patients the onset of low back pain is on and off which gets worse with the progression of time. The pain comes and goes in the lower back area and it might be due to the twisting of the spinal disc. The main reason behind the occasional onset of lower back pain is sometimes the degenerative disc disease. Additionally, the low back pain might also increase the risk of developing a severe underlying medical condition. Following are some severe symptoms and complications of low back pain which require immediate medical help:

Fever and chills

Loss of bladder and bowel control

Sudden weight loss

Unrelenting and severe pain around the abdomen