Vitamin B12 : Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Normal Level, Dosage, Sources ( Top Vitamin B12 Foods – Top Vitamin B12 Fruits – Top Vitamin B12 Vegetables)

Vitamin B12 Function

Vitamin B12 Function
Vitamin B12 Function

Certain forms of archaea and bacteria naturally produce vitamin B12 that are normally present in the soil surrounding by grasses that are feeding upon by some mammals like sheep and cows. The bacteria then proliferates within the body of bacteria forms a part of these animals gut flora as they absorb in their muscle masses and then releases into the soil creating more vitamin B12. Thus, the vitamin B12 passes on to some fermented plant products and in meat, eggs, or milk obtaining from animals. It functions mostly as a co-enzyme thus helping in several chemical reactions as a catalyst.

Human body typically absorbs vitamin B12 from the food in two different phases. The hydrochloric acid residing in the stomach separates the vitamin B12 molecule from the food we eat during the phase 1. While, a protein releasing from the known as intrinsic factor joins itself to vitamin B12 during phase 2 and thus helps in to promote absorption in the body. Unlike the other water-soluble vitamins, cobalamin is one of the biggest and structurally more intricate than the rest. Vitamin B12 molecule has more potent physiological activity and also consist rare cobalt element in the center of the corrin ring.

Vitamin B12 is quite a potent neural molecule that is extremely important for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. The water-soluble vitamin is also important for proper functioning, development and growth of the nerves and brain, cell metabolism, production of DNA, and the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is important for brain health and plays a vital role in preventing and treating psychotic conditions like memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. It also reduces ageing, improves mental function, stimulates mood, and boosts the immunes system.

Furthermore, vitamin B12 plays the role of a co-factor and helps in the formations of neurotransmitters that in turn helps in the regulation of mood swings, prevent mental disorders, anxiety, pain, fatigue, depression, and schizophrenia. Consistent intake of vitamin B12 shows to slow down the homocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is a protein that damages arterial walls and increases the risk of heart diseases and atherosclerosis. It also potentially decreases the risk of triglyceride levels in the blood causing a marked reduction in heart attacks and strokes.

Cobalamin is also essential for the treatment of conditions like diabetes, nerve damage in the feet or hands, diabetic neuropathy, swollen tendons, weak bones, insomnia, male infertility, AIDS, asthma, skin infections, allergies, vitiligo, and inflammatory bowel disease. When vitamin B12 enters the body either via supplements or natural foods, it helps in the production of red blood cells and prevent conditions like anemia. Along with folic acid, it is also crucial to take vitamin B12 to avoid the growing fetus from developing chronic congenital deformities of the spine or brain including neural tube defects. Chronic deficiency of vitamin B12 in pregnant women can lead to anencephaly and spina bifida. Hence, the doctors particularly advise women planning for pregnancy to take vitamin B12 to prevent any of these abnormalities in the fetus and sudden miscarriages on prior consultations.

When a person takes adequate amount of vitamin B12, the vitamin helps in the enhancement of bone mineralization, bone health, increase bone density, and aids in the remodeling and natural growth of bones. Another important function of vitamin B12 is that it strengthen the bones, maintain overall body balance, reduce the risk of fracture, and provides the body with a perfect skeletal structure. Vitamin B12 also plays a crucial role in treating a bunch of diseases like cataracts, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, Lyme disease, kidney problems, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), thyroid diseases, and tinnitus.

In addition, vitamin B12 potentially fights against the risk of several types of cancer including uterine, lung, breast, colon, gall bladder, and colorectal cancer. Cobalamin significantly promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair. The vitamin improves the texture of the skin by avoiding the oxidative damage and treats several dermatological ailments. People who take vitamin B12 in adequate amounts get the benefits of rejuvenation and moisture of the skin as well as reduces signs of ageing like fine lines, spots, wrinkles, and dark circles. Vitamin B12 is the one in all beauty vitamin that prevents the discoloration of nails and hair along with the maintenance of natural hair color of both nails and hair.