Vitamin B12 : Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Normal Level, Dosage, Sources ( Top Vitamin B12 Foods – Top Vitamin B12 Fruits – Top Vitamin B12 Vegetables)

Vitamin B12 Inadequate Evidence For

Vitamin B12 Inadequate Evidence For
Vitamin B12 Inadequate Evidence For
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Cancer of the cervix. It is not sure if vitamin B12 lowers the risk of cervical cancer
  • Asthma
  • Hearing loss
  • Cancer
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Aging
  • Atherosclerosis (stiffness of the arteries)
  • A severe gum infection (periodontitis)
  • Alzheimer disease. Few early studies recommend that increasing vitamin B12 consumption does not cure Alzheimer disease
  • Fatigue. There is little evidence that getting shots consisting of 5 mg of vitamin B12 under the label of hydroxocobalamin twice weekly can improve normal well-being and happiness in people having fatigue
  • Neuron damage in the hands and feet occurs through cancer drug treatment. Early research reveals that consuming B vitamins that consist of vitamin B12 along with cancer drugs doesn’t cure nerve pain caused by cancer drugs
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). It is not sure if a high dose vitamin B12 injection lowers the decline of health in people with ALS
  • Long-term swelling (inflammation) in the digestive tract (IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • The pain results of nerve disorder in people with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy). Early research recommends vitamin B12 can aid to lowers the pain in people with this medical condition
  • Development of infant. Consuming vitamin B12 during pregnancy doesn’t appear to aid in improving cognitive function or brain development in infants. Providing vitamin B12 to infants also doesn’t appear to help
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis). Early research reveals that putting a vitamin B12 cream (Regividerm) to the skin area twice daily aids in treating eczema
  • A process to open a blockage or narrowing of the blood vessel (angioplasty)
  • Diarrhea. Early research recommends that consuming twice as per the recommendation of the daily allowance of vitamin B12, with or without folic acid, does not lower the risk of diarrhea in children
  • Diabetes. Early research recommends that vitamin B12 may be improving blood sugar control in people with diabetes
  • Infection of the airways. Early research reveals that consuming twice as per recommendation in daily allowance of vitamin B12, with or without folic acid, does not lower the risk for infections of the lower airways in children
  • Early researches in people with Parkinson’s disease recommend that increase blood levels of vitamin B12 are attached to a lower risk of getting dementia. But it isn’t known if consuming vitamin B12 supplements lowers the risk of dementia
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Early research reveals getting vitamin B12 shots might aid in improving ringing in the ears in people with low levels of vitamin B12. But it doesn’t appear to aid people who have normal levels of vitamin B12
  • Colon cancer, rectal cancer. Few population researchers recommend that people who take more vitamin B12 in their diet have a reduced risk of having colon or rectal cancer. But early research reveals that consuming vitamin B12 with folic acid and vitamin B6 daily for up to 7.3 years does not lower the risk of having colorectal cancer in women
  • Peripheral  neuropathy (nerve disorder in the feet and hands)