Vitamin B12 : Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Normal Level, Dosage, Sources ( Top Vitamin B12 Foods – Top Vitamin B12 Fruits – Top Vitamin B12 Vegetables)

Types Of Vitamin B

Types of Vitamin B
Types of Vitamin B

Vitamin B complex is a group of eight water-soluble essential nutrients that our body requires in adequate amounts to carry on the functioning of numerous bodily systems and organs. Although B vitamins can work in harmony in the body, but they also perform their own individual functions as well. The functions and dietary sources of different types of vitamins vary in the vitamin B complex but some of them work together to perform a single function in the body. B vitamins are integral to ensure that the cells of the body are functioning correctly. Vitamin B complex help the body in metabolic reactions, maintain healthy cells, regulate brain cell functions, create new red blood cells, and other produce other body tissues. Following is the description of eight types of vitamin present in the vitamin B complex:

  1. Thiamin, Vitamin B1
  2. Riboflavin, Vitamin B2
  3. Niacin, Vitamin B3
  4. Pantothenic Acid B5
  5. Vitamin B6
  6. Biotin, Vitamin B7
  7. Folate, Vitamin B9
  8. Cobalamin, Vitamin B12

As a whole, the eight types of vitamin B are known as vitamin B complex. The types of vitamin B often persist together in the same foods. A lot of people can get adequate amounts of B vitamins by consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods. However, if someone is struggling to meet their daily vitamin B requirements can use dietary supplements. People might get vitamin B deficiencies if they are not getting enough of the B vitamins from their meals or supplements. A vitamin B deficiency might arise due to the insufficiency of the body to properly absorb the nutrients or if the body is excreting too much of these water soluble vitamins due to certain medications or health conditions.