Amyloidosis (Overview, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes, Treatment)

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy is one of the most advancing medical techniques, which involves tiny molecular targets like characteristic genes, proteins, and tissue cultures. These specific molecular substances undergo highly significant treatment to protect the normal functioning of the body organs.

Several screening tests are available for indicating the abnormalities in the molecular substances. This technique helps to protect healthy and normal body cells and eliminate faulty substances.

There are three types of targeted therapies for the treatment of amyloidosis:

  1. Monoclonal antibodies:

The antibodies in this treatment either directly invade the amyloid protein or attach the protein. There is no damage to normal body cells.

  1. Immunomodulatory drugs:

Pomalidomide, Lenalidomide, and Thalidomide are commonly used to protect the collapsing immunity.

  1. Proteosome Inhibitors:

These are some special enzymes that engulf the abnormal proteins.