Anemia : Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Dietary Guidelines

Top Causes Of Anemia

Researches showed that there are almost 400 types of anemia, and each type may have a different cause. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Anemia can occur as a result of many disorders that interfere with the average production of blood cells. Anemia may be inherited, which means the faulty gene may pass from parents to the child and become the reason for anemia. Not all types of anemia are genetic, but are also due to environmental causes such as lead poisoning. Lifestyle factors may contribute to the development of anemia, such as the intake of iron-deficient foods. Certain medications and chronic disorders may also cause anemia. Following are the leading causes of anemia:

Blood loss:

Blood loss or bleeding may be chronic or sudden. Sudden blood loss involves surgeries or accidents that result in massive bleeding and cause anemia. Bleeding may also happen slowly over a long period, and sometimes it is unnoticeable. Blood loss, whether it is a sudden or chronic result in the lack of red blood cells in the body and causes anemia. Causes of bleeding include the following:

  • Menstrual cycle
  • Accident
  • Surgery
  • Colon cancer
  • Stomach inflammation
  • Ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Hemorrhoids