Anemia : Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Dietary Guidelines

Pernicious Anemia

This anemia occurs due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. The body cannot absorb this vitamin due to absence or insufficient protein that helps to absorb vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the bone marrow. In the absence of this vitamin, the body cannot produce red blood cells resulting in anemia. Absence of intrinsic factor is not only the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, but there are also many other causes of lack of vitamin B12. These causes include the lack of this vitamin in the diet, some diseases of the intestines,  infections, surgery, and medicines.

Red tongue, enlarged liver, weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea, heartburn, nerve damage are some of the common signs of pernicious anemia. Treatment involves vitamin B12 supplementation or intake of foods high in vitamin B12.