Ankle Pain Basics

Ankle Swelling

Ankle Swelling
Ankle Swelling

Ankle swelling can occur for several medical reasons, including:

  • Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can cause swelling in the ankles, knees, or feet. This arthritis swelling often worsens during cold weather and is associated with symptoms such as warmth, deformity, and pain.
  • Blood clots: A blood clot that forms in the veins in the legs can cause ankle swelling. The clot can break free and travel through the body, causing other serious medical complications.
  • Gout and kidney disease: These conditions can cause excess fluid to build up in the ankles, resulting in ankle swelling.
  • Heart disease: This can also trigger a build-up of fluid in the ankles due to low pressure in the veins and insufficient blood return to the heart.
  • Pregnancy: Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that can cause swelling in the ankles. It features high blood pressure and other complications that require emergency attention. But even without pre-eclampsia, pregnant women can also experience ankle swelling and ankle pain due to insufficient venous return.