Ankle Sprain Prevention

Treating Ankle Instability To Prevent Future Ankle Injuries

Treating Ankle Instability To Prevent Future Ankle Injuries
Treating Ankle Instability To Prevent Future Ankle Injuries

Ankle instability occurs due to small tears in the ligaments that hold the foot to the leg together. Most people who develop this kind of injury are athletes, but it can also happen in older adults with weakened ankle structures. The problem with chronic ankle instability is that the condition affects gait biomechanics, and the abnormal movements make you at risk of twisting your ankle. Thus, it is essential to treat ankle instability to prevent ankle pain.

Treatments for ankle instability include physical therapy and physical therapy combined with surgery. Braces may also be used to immobilize the ankle during recovery. In addition to physical therapy, braces may be prescribed to immobilize the ankle during recovery. Ankle braces are used to prevent further damage to ligaments, tendons, and muscles after an injury has healed. They are usually worn during physical therapy to immobilize the ankle while it heals.