Anxiety : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Medications, Treatment, Prevention, Home Remedies

Treatments and Medications Of Anxiety

Treatments and Medications Of Anxiety
Treatments and Medications Of Anxiety

Treatments and medications

People find it very difficult to deal with anxiety. Anxiety makes a person worry and doubt simple things. Anxiety is not treatable, but can be avoided. There are various treatments available for people dealing with anxiety. In most cases, simple changes in lifestyle can lead to betterment. Different types of therapies and medications are used to treat different type of anxiety disorders. Several therapies have been proved useful in order to treat different types of anxieties. However, medications can be taken in order to deal with severe anxiety and they should only be consumed when prescribed by the doctor. [5]


Therapies are very essential as they have much less side effects as compared to medicines.


Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the way a person thinks and how he behaves. It is a very standard way of anxiety treatment. It helps the people deal with negative thoughts which trigger anxiety, and help people change the way of perceiving and reacting to different situations.

Basic principle of CBT

According to CBT, the way we think about certain situations makes us feel and behave in the same manner. For example, if a person burns the food he was cooking, it makes him doubt his abilities and makes him feel sad about his own existence. Hence, he stops working on anything at all and becomes idle.

The CBT therapist will help you identify the triggers causing anxiety and break the negative approach cycle. The therapist helps people suffering from anxiety by altering the way of thinking. The CBT has been proved useful for nearly every type of anxiety. 6-12 sessions of this therapy can bring a considerable decrease in anxiety symptoms. CBT sessions can be conducted by a therapist, in a group or even online. CBT does not work for everyone because either people are ashamed of the way they think or they are introvert. Sometimes, people find it very difficult to analyze their thoughts.