Anxiety : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Medications, Treatment, Prevention, Home Remedies

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety Symptoms

Mental health issues are often a fight with one’s own self. The internal struggles also manifest external signs. Recognizing these symptoms helps in getting a proper and timely help for the patient. Anxiety presents with some non-specific symptoms, which are commonly manifested in other mental health issues too. However, an elaborate reporting of symptoms is the first step towards dealing with anxiety. Some of these symptoms are listed below. [3]

Excessive worrying

Excessive worrying is a hallmark feature of anxiety. However, not all worrying is always anxiety. One may be worried about finances, personal relationships, an exam or a job interview. Mild anxiety related to these incidences can, in fact, keep one motivated. However, excessive worrying makes the patient handicapped, unable to respond properly, and handle the stress. Often times, this response is exaggerated when compared to the trigger. But the objective at hand is intensely gripping for the patient.  It is worthy to note that just because the patient is experiencing an override response towards a fear that just exists inside the head, does not mean that the patient’s condition does not deserve proper attention.