Atrial Fibrillation, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

10 Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms

General Fatigue

A few people having atrial fibrillation sometimes do not experience any symptoms and stay unaware of their medical condition until or unless the doctor discovers the condition of atrial fibrillation during the physical examination. While some of the patients who suffer from atrial fibrillation experience the following signs and symptoms:

General Fatigue

General fatigue refers to the feeling of exhaustion or tiredness because of a lack of strength or energy in the body, and this symptom is very common in the condition of atrial fibrillation. Although there might be several factors that result in the cause of general fatigue or tiredness, in the case of atrial fibrillation, the blockage in blood flow leads to the frequent complain of frequent fatigue. Due to the abnormality in the heart rate causes the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, results in fatigue, which adversely disturbs the daily routine of atrial fibrillation patients. There is a blockage in the supply of oxygen-rich blood from the heart to other body organs due to atrial fibrillation, which ultimately affects the physical stamina; thus, a person experiences frequent episodes of fatigue and exhaustion.