Atrial Fibrillation, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention



The occurrence of vibrations is one of the distinctive symptoms of atrial fibrillation, and almost every patient suffering from atrial failure experiences the symptom of palpitations. Palpitations are the sensations of the abnormal heartbeat, which might last for a shorter period or, in a few cases, might stay longer and cause strokes or even a heart attack. In the condition of atrial fibrillation, the patient feels his or her heart beating chaotically in the chest. Therefore, this symptom is the only one that leads to an indication of atrial fibrillation. Sometimes the heart beats too slow that the person does not even notice the irregularity, so the conditions go unnoticeable. Moreover, the beatings are different from arrhythmias because, in arrhythmias, there is only an irregularity in the beating of the heart. At the same time, the person experiences the beating heart in the case of vibrations.