Brain Tumor : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment

Common Causes Of Brain Tumor

Causes Of Brain Tumor
Causes Of Brain Tumor

There are many risk factors and causes of brain tumor, such as [4]


One of the most important environmental factors, that is a potential cause of any cancer is radiation. Radiation therapy is commonly used in invasive, surgically non-excisable tumors. Paradoxically, the radiation therapy to treat one kind of tumor can give rise to another tumor in the same field of earlier radiation. A study exploring the incidence, and latency period for the development of radiation-induced brain tumors, finds this occurrence to be rare. It is reported that in patients where the tumor developed in this way, had a mean latency gap of 13 years. Though rare, it can be life-threatening.

Another way people can get exposed to radiation is certain occupational sites, like working in the vicinity of a nuclear reactor, or factories that use radiations. Radiation exposure in diagnostic techniques like CT scan is still not definite cause of brain tumors. However, as a precaution, doctors avoid the use of radiation techniques in children and pregnant women.