Breast Cancer, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Stages and Treatment

Difficulty Walking and Sitting

Once the breast cancer starts spreading from primary site to other sites of the body, a variety of other signs and symptoms may begin to become increasingly noticeable. One area commonly affected is the bones, where cancer can spread easily, creating all sorts of pain and discomfort. Usually, patients experience severe pain and loss of motion range in the hips, pelvis, neck, legs, and arms. This can often create uncomfortable and very painful walking or sitting, often causing the need to use a walker. When cancer spreads to involve the brain tissue, additional problems like headaches, dizziness, and weakness can increase the effect of these symptoms.

People should, however, be proactive about their health status, and consult a doctor to determine and treat the cause of any symptoms. Each of the signs and symptoms listed above may warrant a trip to the physician, especially if these changes do not seem to relate to one of the body conditions such as a menstrual cycle, injury, breast infections, or preceding illnesses. A doctor may evaluate your signs and symptoms, examine the affected breast area, and recommend further blood tests or studies if necessary. A mammogram, ultrasound, other imaging tests, or blood testing may be recommended to rule out cancer or other possible causes.