Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies Of Asthma That Require Immediate Attention

What Is an Asthma Attack?

The asthma attack is a sudden worsening of the symptoms of asthma caused by muscle tightening around the airways (bronchospasm). The lining of the airways also becomes swollen or inflamed during the attack that leads to the production of thick mucus. All of these factors such as bronchospasm, thick mucus production, and inflammation, cause symptoms of an asthma attack. These include difficulty breathing, forceful wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath. Other common symptoms of an asthmatic attack may include:

  • Coughing that won’t stop
  • Severe wheezing
  • Very rapid breathing
  • Tightened neck and chest muscles
  • Chest tightness or pressure
  • Difficulty talking
  • Pale, sweaty face
  • Feelings of anxiety or panic
  • Blue lips or fingernails

Most people with asthma can go without an asthma attack or other symptoms for prolonged periods, disrupted by occasional worsening of their symptoms due to exposure to asthma triggers such as exercise or cold air exposure.

Mild attacks of asthma are more common. Generally, after treatment, the airways open within a few minutes to a few hours. Severe asthmatic attacks are less frequent but last longer and require immediate medical assistance. To help prevent serious attacks and keep asthma under control, it is important to recognize and treat even mild symptoms of an asthma attack.