Common Causes of Neck Pain

Spinal disc degeneration

Spinal disc degeneration
Spinal disc degeneration

This is a common reason for chronic neck pain in older adults. It does cause not only neck pain but also radiating pain in the arm. This happens when the cushioning discs between vertebrae are broken down due to advanced age and constant wear and tear. In some cases, a genetic factor makes people more susceptible to spinal disc degeneration. But it happens in almost every senior to a certain degree, either in the cervical, lumbar spine, or elsewhere.

In the neck, we have six cervical discs. Each one contains a gel-like substance and is surrounded by a cartilage strand. They help provide shock absorption in the neck. But as we age, these discs lose hydration, and the cushioning property is lost. They are more likely to crack or suffer a tear.

Degenerative disc disease can be diagnosed through magnetic resonance imaging, and it is sometimes an asymptomatic disease. But when it gives symptoms, the most common is a pain in the affected area. It is not a dangerous disease but can reduce the quality of life of these patients when not correctly diagnosed and treated.

Besides genetics, obesity and smoking are two risk factors. The former increases the wear and tear of the spinal discs, and the latter accelerates the hydration loss and the degenerative process.