Common Causes of Thigh Pain



Sciatic nerve problems cause a great deal of discomfort, not only in your thigh but also in the buttocks and down to your lower leg. If you have sciatica, you might feel like your thigh hurts, burns, or like electricity going through your legs. You could also feel additional symptoms associated with nerve compression disorders, especially numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness.

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back all the way down to the foot, and your symptoms can extend throughout this area. Since we’re talking about nerve problems, you can have motor or sensory abnormalities. You could even experience muscle spasms sometimes.

You might realize that sciatic nerve problems start when you sit for long periods. That’s because sitting for too long strains your muscles, which creates compression on your sciatic nerve. This problem is even more common in people who do not exercise regularly because the damage is sometimes triggered by insufficient blood flow to the area.