Concussion : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Medications, Concussion Recovery and Prevention

Healthy and balanced diet

Healthy and balanced diet
Healthy and balanced diet

Although there is not much information available about the relation between diet and concussion in the medical literature but there are some pieces of information that support that eating brain-healthy foods can be of help. General well-being and brain health has a definite association with nutrition of an individual, particularly in the elderly. Some supplements with more research including green tea extract, turmeric, fish oils and resveratrol are very beneficial in promoting healthy development of the muscles and nerves present in brain. In addition, a well-balanced diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables is very helpful in fighting against minor brain injuries like concussion.

It is equally important to limit the use of processed foods and foods rich in saturated fats to combat the injuries and recover from them. One interesting thing to consider is that a person with concussion might not feel as thirsty or hungry as before. Make sure to reinforce the patient to eat throughout the day to keep the blood sugar levels up and encourage the person to drink at least eight ounces of water a day. The reason behind is that the brain is highly sensitive to dehydration and low blood sugar as these conditions can worsen or mimic some symptoms of concussion such as fogginess, headache, stomachache, irritability, and dizziness.