Constipation (Overview, Home Remedies, Foods That Cause Constipation, Foods That Relieve Constipation, Symptoms, and Causes)

Flax seeds

Flaxseeds have high amount of  both soluble and insoluble fiber content. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil help in adding bulk to the stools and increase the frequency of stools. Use a handful of flaxseeds to keep constipation at bay. The healthy mix of both soluble and insoluble fibers in the flaxseeds provides the body with extra bulk to the stool, and the paste formation allows the smooth passage of the stool, thus helping the condition of constipation. Use the powder of flaxseeds in your favorite food items to get the maximum results. Use the flaxseed powder in the smoothies and your cereal bowl to make it more nutritious and healthy.