Constipation (Overview, Home Remedies, Foods That Cause Constipation, Foods That Relieve Constipation, Symptoms, and Causes)

Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages

Drinking large amounts of alcohol or alcoholic beverages results in drawing out more water into the urine for excretion. An increase in the loss of body fluids in the form of urine causes dehydration. The dehydration due to not drinking enough water or loss of water from the body as urine both have negative effects on bowel movements. The body tends to absorb more amount of water from the stool in the colon to meet the water requirements for the body. The whole dehydration scenario leaves a person with constipation and straining while defecating the stool. Furthermore, alcohol slows down the process of digestion and causes dry stool formation along with gas production in the abdomen.