Dehydration: Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Home Remedies, Treatments and Prevention

20 most common symptoms of dehydration

20 most common symptoms of dehydration
20 most common symptoms of dehydration

Depending upon the loss of hydration per kg of individual body weight, dehydration can have symptoms ranging from mild to moderate to severe. [3]

Mild dehydration

Water loss that accounts for less than 5% of body mass, is termed as mild dehydration. It can be easily reversed by meeting up with the fluid demands of the body. However, proper attention should be paid if the following symptoms keep recurring, to avoid complicating dehydration to moderate and severe levels.


Among the earliest signs of dehydration is increased thirst. Reduced fluid volume in the body is detected by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus, which increase the perception of thirst. This mechanism sets in to increase the consumption of water to counter the fluid deficit.