Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management

Foods to eat and foods to avoid to help fight endometriosis

Foods to eat and foods to avoid to help fight endometriosis

The research present on the investigation of the relationship between food intake and the progression of endometriosis emphasizes that eating certain foods can greatly increase the chances of developing endometriosis. However, the actual reason for getting endometriosis is still not known, but we know that the inflammation in the body leads to endometriosis or aggravates the condition of endometriosis. A healthy diet that maintains a balance with all the food groups is very beneficial to avoid endometriosis symptoms.

It is practically impossible to prevent endometriosis completely; a person can only reduce their risk of developing endometriosis. You can simply avoid foods and chemicals, leading to higher estrogen levels in the body. Healthy eating habits and lifestyle do not promise a complete cure from endometriosis symptoms but ensure symptoms management.

Foods to eat:

Here is a list of healthy foods that might have a positive effect on endometriosis symptoms. As there is currently no proper treatment available for the condition endometriosis, but you can manage the symptoms by taking comprehensive care. A healthy lifestyle, including daily exercise and good nutrition, helps manage the pain and reduce symptoms. It is important to take a well balanced and nutrient-dense diet to combat the pain and inflammation resulting from endometriosis—the nutrient-dense and well-balanced diet primarily consist of plant-based foods. A well-balanced diet also includes vitamins and minerals, which boost the immune system. Following is the list of foods that help in fighting the symptoms of endometriosis:

Fibrous foods

Foods such as legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are full of vitamins and minerals which impart positive health benefits. By adding these foods in your diet, you can improve your immunity and overall health.