Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management

Pelvic massage

Pelvic massage

Getting a gentle massage on the pelvic or abdominal region helps in relaxing the pelvic muscles. A gentle massage soothes the stiff muscles of the pelvic region and releases tension. The gentle massage also helps in relieving the endometriosis pain. The women who get regular pelvic massages suffer less commonly from the painful menstrual periods than those who do not. The massage therapy helps in reducing the menstrual pain and is an inexpensive treatment. The massage therapy is an alternative adhesion to reduce the pain of a patient who has endometriosis. You can get pelvic floor physical therapy to manage the symptoms of endometriosis. The massage therapy reduces the pain, especially with intercourse, bowel movements, urination, and menstrual cycle.