Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management

Pain during urination and bowel movements

Pain during urination and bowel movements

There is immense pain in the females who have endometriosis whenever they urinate or pass their bowels. The pain associating with urination or during bowel movements is mainly due to painful voiding, and sometimes the anal tissues or the bladder are suffering from endometrial tissue growth. The painful urination and bowel movements include the dyspareunia and peri-menstrual pain of the abdominals, especially in the lower region. Sometimes the symptoms of endometriosis involve the symptoms occurring in urinary tract infections (UTI). There is an infection in the bladder and becomes a welcoming place for bacteria to reside, which causes painful urination. The lining of the bladder also suffers from the roughening due to endometriosis.