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15 Common Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

15 Common Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction
15 Common Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

The sexual arousal in males is a complicated process that involves the activity of hormones, emotions, brain, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves. The dysfunction in getting and maintaining erection can be result of problem in any of these factors. Likewise, mental health and stress concerns can also be one of the causes of developing erectile dysfunction. In some cases, mental health disorders and depression can make the symptoms of erectile dysfunction worse. Sometimes, a combination of psychological and physical issues results in causing erectile dysfunction. For example, a minor physical disorder that slows down a person’s sexual response might cause stress about maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse. The resulting stress can also worsen the ability to have satisfactory sexual relationships.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

In several cases, erectile dysfunction can be a result of something physical and following is the list of some common physical condition that lead to the development of erectile dysfunction:

Heart disease

There is a very strong relation between erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Several researches show that if a man suffers from heart disease, he is more likely to develop erectile dysfunction at some point in his life. People having cardiovascular problems like chest pain, heart attack, coronary heart diseases, and others eventually suffer from erectile dysfunction as there is reduction in blood flow towards the blood vessels surrounding the penis and testicles. In addition, narrowing of blood vessels and the worn out blood vessels also contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction in heart patients.