Erectile Dysfunction : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Foods To Resolve Proplem, Exercises, Treatment ( Natural Herbs – Surgery) Erectile Dysfunction Medication, Prevention

Erectile Dysfunction Age

Erectile dysfunction age
Erectile dysfunction age

Almost a quarter of male population say that erection issues start to appear between age 50 and 59 years and about 40% of the men say that the symptoms are more evident between age 60 and 69 years. Having chronic health disorders and other risk factors like substance abuse or prostate cancer matter a lot in regard to the onset of erectile dysfunction symptoms. The risk for developing erectile dysfunction can accelerate with increasing age because of the naturally lowering levels of testosterone. Still, age and testosterone are not the sole factors in getting an erection but they play a key role. Moreover, aging does not necessarily mean that you will develop erectile dysfunction but it might increase the risk of getting erectile dysfunction.

Most of the causes of erectile dysfunction have no direct relation to the age of a person but rather other underlying medical conditions. A doctor can help in determining the cause of erectile dysfunction through a series of physical and psychosocial examinations. It can be possible that there is more than one underlying cause of erectile dysfunction in a person. Some people might assume the chances of getting erectile dysfunction increase with age but the facts reveal that the inability to get or maintain an erection is not always related to age.